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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : المستثمر السلوكي

/ Daniel Crosby
/ المستثمر السلوكي
ارض الكتب المستثمر السلوكي

المستثمر السلوكي

العنوان:المستثمر السلوكي
المؤلف:Daniel Crosby
التصنيف:الصحة النفسية-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

fr om the New Yo r k Times bestselling autho r of the book named the best investment book of 2017 comes The Behavio r al Investo r , an applied look at how psychology ought to info r m the art a nd science of investment management. Joint Gold medallist at the Axiom Business Book Awards 2019 - Personal Finance / Retirement Planning / Investing. In The Behavio r al Investo r , psychologist a nd asset manager Dr. Daniel Crosby examines the sociological, neurological a nd psychological facto r s that influence our investment decisions a nd sets fo r th practical solutions fo r improving both returns a nd behavio r . Readers will be treated to the most comprehensive examination of investo r behavio r to date a nd will leave with concrete solutions fo r refining decision-making processes, increasing self-awareness a nd constraining the fatal flaws to which most investo r s are prone. The Behavio r al Investo r takes a sweeping tour of human nature befo r e arriving at the specifics of po r tfolio construction, rooted in the belief that it is only as we come to a deep understa nding of “why” that we are left with any clue as to “how” we ought to invest. The book is comprised of three parts, which are as follows: - Part One - An explication of the sociological, neurological a nd physiological impediments to sound investment decision-making. Readers will leave with an improved understa nding of how externalities impact choices in nearly imperceptible ways a nd begin to understa nd the impact of these pressures on investment se lection. - Part Two - Coverage of the four primary psychological tendencies that impact investment behavio r . Although human behavio r is undoubtedly complex, in an investment context our choices are largely driven by one of the four facto r s discussed herein. Readers will emerge with an improved understa nding of their own behavio r , increased humility a nd a lens through which to vet decisions of all types. - Part Three - Illuminates the “so what” of Parts One a nd Two a nd provides a framewo r k fo r managing wealth in a manner consistent with the realities of our contextual a nd behavio r al sho r tcomings. Readers will leave with a deeper understa nding of the psychological underpinnings of popular investment approaches such as value a nd momentum a nd appreciate why all types of successful investing have psychology at their co r e. Wealth, truly considered, has at least as much to do with psychological as financial wellbeing. The Behavio r al Investo r aims to enrich readers in the most holistic sense of the wo r d, leaving them with tools fo r compounding both wealth a nd knowledge.


Daniel Crosby | ارض الكتب

Daniel Crosby

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