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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : HEALTH BENEFITS OF FASTING

/ Dr. T K Yoosuf


المؤلف:Dr. T K Yoosuf
التصنيف:التنمية البشرية-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

Allah Almighty imposed fasting fo r believers so that they may attain piety. He also gave permission to patients in this matter. Despite all this, the patient who fasts by enduring some hardships obtains many health benefits, this fact refers to the Almighty’s saying, “a nd It is better fo r you That ye fast, if you only knew” (2:184).
Fasting maintains the health of the liver, which perfo r ms hundreds of tasks in the body, being the liver a complex plant that secretes many enzymes, fo r the liver finds rest only during the fasting, due to fasting activates the task of converting what is sto r ed in it into the energy needed fo r the body.
These days, the number of patients in the wo r ld has increased, most of them suffer fr om illnesses a nd diseases resulting fr om eating too many meals, eating food over food weakens the body',s functions a nd leads to health hazards.
The current studies in medicine indicate that fasting fights insulin resistance a nd increases its sensitivity in the body, so that it prevents diabetes, the medications used to treat this disease contain metfo r min, which is used to prevent insulin resistance, anyone who fasts o r restricts food twice a day is less likely to contract such diseases.
The famous Islamic scholar Ibn Khaldun explains in his book Muqaddima (the introduction), the countless benefits of fasting o r starvation, Since fasting o r hunger has many benefits, God tested the Prophet, (May God bless him a nd grant him peace), a nd his companions with famine a nd prevented them with the blessing of food, they even suffered fr om hunger fo r many days in their lives, even if hunger is harmful to health, God will not afflict His Messenger a nd His righteous servants with it.
Some people think that Allah Almighty did not impose fasting except so that believers may attain piety, there is no doubt that all acts of wo r ship, such as prayer, zakat, a nd fasting, have material benefits, even though they are pure acts of wo r ship, We even realize that ablution also has health benefits, at the end of this book I will explain a chapter on the health benefits of ablution. It is not hidden fr om those who are aware of the health dimensions a nd material benefits of acts of wo r ship, that the Salath, Zakath a nd Fasting are comma nded by the Creato r of mankind, who wants the best of this wo r ld a nd the hereafter fo r His servants.


Dr. T K Yoosuf | ارض الكتب

Dr. T K Yoosuf

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