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Table of Contents I. Introduction 1 Truth, goodness, a nd beauty. The new age. The close of the Refo r mation age. Protestant negation of the arts. Catholic acceptance of modernism. The art of wo r ship the all- comprehending art. Proposals fo r examining the connectio ns' of art a nd religion, histo r ical, psychological, a nd practical. Proposals of liturgical principles a nd materials. Proposals fo r architectural style, tone, significance, a nd tendencies. Current writings about the new age. II. An Age Described by Its Art 9 No satisfacto r y art in a nondescript age. The arts bo r n of the national a nd time spirit. The relations of art to unified life. The youth, size, a nd complexity of American life. The coming description. III. The Unity of Religion a nd Art 18 Religion the source of primitive arts. Religion the principal subject matter of histo r ic art. The inner identity of the mystic a nd aesthetic experience. The dema nd fo r unity in composition a nd in reality. The feeling of satisfaction derived fr om beauty a nd fr om being. The creativity of art a nd of religion? IV. The Cleft between Art a nd Religion 34 1. The cleft between religion a nd science. 2. The cleft between religion a nd mo r als. 3. The cleft between religion a nd art. The Roman Mass. Catholic architecture. The Anglican Prayer Book. Protestant fo r ms. American church architecture. V. The Mutual Need 48 The wo r ld of the arts the source of spiritual life fo r many. The wo r ld of religion. A rt nee ds religion to universalize its concepts, to supply mo r al content. Religion needs the arts — to be impressive, to get a hearing, to be enjoyable, to assist reverence, to symbolize old truths, to heighten the imagination, to fire resolves. VI. Co r po r eality in Religion 56 1. The co r po r eality of objects a nd acts. 2. The co r po r eality of creeds. 3. The co r po r eality of crude excitement. VII. The Sensational Character of Art 63 The sensational preacher. Modem view of human nature. Sensational conduct of ancient religious teachers. The sense appeal of the Japanese temple a nd of the English cathedral. VIII. A Brief fo r the Cultus 67 Religious culture primary in religion. Its histo r ical recognition. Its apparatus o r ritual. The necessity of religious acts. The source of perpetuity. The sermon an insufficient basis fo r religious culture. The background of change. Modem possibilities. IX. Prophet a nd Priest 82 The conflict between refo r ming prophets a nd conserving priests. The prophet as instrument of change. The priest as Teacher, Spiritual Adviser, Pasto r , a nd Artist. X. The Artist as Prophet 90 Traditionalism preserved by the arts. The aloofness a nd lawlessness of artists. The histo r ic divergence of artistic fo r ms fr om their content, Egyptian, Greek, Italian. New ideas through the arts. The permanence of beauty. XI. Symbols a nd Sacraments 97 Classic a nd Romantic methods. Universality a nd power of symbols. Danger of symbols. Idolatry. The meaning of a sacrament. The spiritual presence. The material element s. Baptism a nd the Eucharist. Objective value a nd validity. Transubstantiation of persons. XII. Religious Education 107 Observin g beauty Modem religion weakly impressive. The power of ritual. Wo r ship in the church school. Children in the church service. Adult education in religion. Theological schools deficient in religious culture. The state university a nd the Christian college. XIII. Church Unity 116 Difficulties of unity in thought a nd action. The unifying effects of feeling. The desire fo r mo r e inclusive religious experience. The incompleteness of separate types. The service of art in promoting unity. The revival of mediaevalism, liturgically a nd architecturally. The community church. The flank attack in debate. Universal similarity of mystic experiences. XIV. Technique a nd Freedom 133 The positive character of freedom. Futility of complete independency. The incoherence of liberalism. The necessity fo r critically improved technique in wo r ship. A new service book. Scholarship in liturgies. Ceremonial. Freedom not the gift of fo r mlessness but the mastery of fo r m. XV. The Mysticism of Isaiah 145 The identity of the experience of wo r ship a nd that of beauty. The elements of the experience: vision, humility, exaltation, illumination, dedication. Isaiah's great reco r d. XVI. The o r der of the Liturgy 152 Outer expression in the o r der of wo r ship parallel to the elements of the inner experience of wo r ship. The principal liturgical parts. Dramatic unity. Miss Underhill's analysis of the Mass. The need fo r experiment. XVII. Introit a nd Antiphons 166 The revival of the Introit. Materials fo r it. Process of ideas in it. Copies of antiphonals used at the Wellington Avenue Church. XVIII. Music 174 Music the highest ar t. The unity of the service. Faults of anthems. The matrix of the service. Members of the choir as ministers in the sanctuary. Antiphonals. Especially composed services. XIX. Architectural Style 180 Sketch of Greek, Roman, Romanesque, Byzantine, Gothic, a nd Renaissance building, together with meanings intimated by these histo r ic styles. Current style revivals in Gothic a nd Classic strains. The question of style revival o r translation. The new architecture. XX. Structural Tone 203 Tonal effects of interio r s. The faults of neutrality, comfo r tableness, coldness, agitation. The virtues of repose, austerity, warmth, a nd brilliance. The effects of propo r t ion, scale, a nd materials XXI. The Chancel 214 The histo r ic Christian Church chancel. Its revival amongst non-liturgical churches. The artistic high light, the differentiation of liturgical parts, practical convenience. Recent opinions. The use of altar a nd ca ndle light. Ineffective compromises. Adaptability of the chancel. XXII. Practicable Matters 229 Educational a nd social facilities of the church building. Placement of the structure. Problems of the smaller church. Partial construction. The aesthetic character of practicability. XXIII. Religious Ideas fo r the Architect 236 A House of God. A House of Man. A House of Salvation. The intimations of modem free thinking, brotherhood, a nd art. XXIV. The Future Church 243 The delimitation of church functions. Integrations of the new age. The mergenceofjiisto r ie-faith a nd natural religion, in the Apostolic ageTmthe coming age. A time of fo r mation. Truth, Goodness, Beauty. The primary catego r y. Survey of the character of the coming cultus. Christian content in ancient catego r ies. Appendix 252 o r ders of service in the Wellington Avenue Church, Chicago. Index 257 List of Illustrations Reredos, St. Thomas's Church, New Yo r k frontispiece Pulpit, First Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 21 First Church in Cheshire, Connecticut 43 Carved Oak Triptych 79 Silver Crozier, Christmas in Heaven, St. Peter 95 Skinner Memo r ial Chapel, Holyoke, Massachusetts 123 Silver Alms Basin, Altar Cross in Silver, Ivo r y, a nd Enamel , Carved a nd Gilded Ca ndlestick 141 First Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Second Church in Boston, Massachusetts 193 House of Hope, St. Paul, Minnesota, Presbyterian 209 South Church, New Yo r k City, Refo r med 219 Second Church in Newton, Massachusetts, Congregational 225 St. Anne's Chapel, Arlington Heights, Massachusetts 231 First Congregational Church, Montclair, New Jersey 237 Second Church in Boston, Massachusetts, Unitarian 247 Digitized by Google.
Includes index