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Includes bibliographical references
Final environmental impact statement -- Appendix I. Estuarine sanctuary guidelines (June 4, 1974 a nd September 9, 1977) -- Appendix II. Apalachicola symposium a nd wo r kshop: summary of wo r kshops a nd recommendations fo r boundaries a nd environmental management of a proposed estuarine sanctuary -- Appendix III. Flo r ida statute, Chapter 258: La nd Conservation Act of 1972 -- Appendix IV. Flo r ida statute, chapter 259: State Parks a nd Preserves -- Appendix V. Flo r ida statute, chapter 253: La nd Acquisition Trust Fund -- Appendix VI. Ecoonmic impact assessment fo r the designation of Apalachicola Bay National Estuarine Sanctuary -- Appendix VII. Local a nd regional resolutions suppo r ting establishment of an estuarine sanctuary -- Appendix VIII. Governo r a nd Cabinet resolutions regarding structured modification to the Apalachicola River -- Appendix IX. Majo r types of vegetation within the Apalachicola River/Bay system -- Appendix X. Fish a nd wildlife resources of the lower Apalachicola River a nd Bay. Legal status of endangered a nd potentially endangered species in Flo r ida -- Appendix XI. Flo r ida statute, chapter 267: Archives a nd Histo r y Act -- Appendix XII. Flo r ida Cabinet resolution of June 26, 1979, suppo r ting designation of the Apalachicola River basin as a national estuarine sanctuary -- Appendix XIII. Summarized comments on the DEIS a nd responses by OCZM to these comments