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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : اصطياد ذئب وول ستريت: قصص حقيقية لا تصدق عن الثروات والمخططات والحفلات والسجن

/ Jo r dan Belfo r t
/ اصطياد ذئب وول ستريت: قصص حقيقية لا تصدق عن الثروات والمخططات والحفلات والسجن
ارض الكتب اصطياد ذئب وول ستريت: قصص حقيقية لا تصدق عن الثروات والمخططات والحفلات والسجن

اصطياد ذئب وول ستريت: قصص حقيقية لا تصدق عن الثروات والمخططات والحفلات والسجن

العنوان:اصطياد ذئب وول ستريت: قصص حقيقية لا تصدق عن الثروات والمخططات والحفلات والسجن
المؤلف:Jo r dan Belfo r t
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

In the go-go nineties Jo r dan Belfo r t proved to Wall Street that you didn’t need to be on Wall Street to make a fo r tune in the stock market. But his company, Stratton Oakmont, wo r ked differently. His young Long Isla nd wannabes didn’t know fr om turnaround plans o r fiduciary trust. Instead, they knew how to separate wealthy investo r s fr om their cash, a nd spend it as fast as it came in—on hookers, yachts, a nd drugs. But when Jo r dan’s empire crashed, the man who had become legend was co r nered into a five-year stint cooperating with the feds. This continuation of his Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Wolf of Wall Street, tells the true sto r y of his spectacular flameout a nd imprisonment fo r stock fraud.

In this astounding account, Wall Street’s noto r ious bad boy—a nd o r iginal million-dollar-a-month stock chopper—leads us through a drama wo r thy of The Sopranos, fr om his early rise to power to the FBI raid on his estate to the endless indictments at his arrest, to his deal with a bloodthirsty prosecuto r to rat out his oldest friends a nd colleagues—while they were doing the same. With his kingdom in ruin, not to mention his marriage, the Wolf faced his greatest challenge yet: how to navigate a gauntlet of judges a nd lawyers, hold on to his kids a nd his enraged model wife—a nd possibly salvage his self-respect. It wasn’t going to be easy. In fact, fo r a man with an unprecedented appetite fo r excess, it was going to be hell.

fr om a wired conversation at an Italian restaurant, wh ere Jo r dan’s conscience finally kicks in, to a helicopter ride with an underage knockout that will become his ultimate undoing, here is the tale of a young genius on a roller coaster of harrowing highs—a nd mo r e harrowing lows. But as the countdown to his moment in court begins, after one last crazy bout with a madcap Russian beauty queen, the man at the center of one of the most outrageous sca ndals in financial histo r y sees the light of what matters most: his sobriety, a nd his future as a father a nd a man. Will a prison term be his first step toward redemption? أقرأ أقل


Jo r dan Belfo r t | ارض الكتب

Jo r dan Belfo r t

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