وصف الكتاب
The Ionian migration, The root prach in the Greek language, The Greek genitive as an ablative case, On Bekker's Digammated text of Homer, On ancient Greek rhythm a nd metre, On the nature a nd theo r y of the Greek accent, On the Byzantine Greek pronunciation of the tenth century, as illustrated by a manuscript in the Bodleian Library, Ross on Italicans a nd Greeks, On Indo-European aspirate mute, On the fo r mation of Indo-European futures, On passive fo r mations, Remarks on the uses of the Latin subjunctive, On the o r igin of the English possessive case, Ellis's early English pronunciation, on English vowel quantity in the thirteenth century a nd in the nineteenth, Tennyson's Princess, The number seven, Decisions of college class disputes, On the Hebrew chronology fr om Moses to Solomon, On the language of Palestine at the time of Christ
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