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Access to essential medicines a nd the lack of research to address neglected diseases have long been majo r concerns fo r health care professionals. Mo r e recently, the focus of health policy debate has broadened to consider how to promote innovation a nd ensure equitable access to all vital medical technologies: medicines, vaccines, a nd medical devices. Today's policymakers need a clear understa nding both of the innovation processes that lead to new technologies a nd the ways in which these technologies are disseminated. This book captures a broad range of experience a nd data in dealing with the interplay between intellectual property, trade rules, a nd the dynamics of access to, a nd innovation in, medical technologies. The study is intended to info r m ongoing technical cooperation activities undertaken by the WTO, the Wo r ld Intellectual Property o r ganization, a nd the Wo r ld Health o r ganization, a nd to suppo r t policy discussions. ba sed on many years of field experience in technical cooperation, it has been prepared to serve the needs of policymakers who seek a comprehensive presentation of the full range of issues, as well as lawmakers, government officials, delegates to international o r ganizations, nongovernmental o r ganizations, a nd researchers. Copublished with the Wo r ld Intellectual Property o r ganization a nd the Wo r ld Health o r ganization