وصف الكتاب
This alphabetically listed dictionary embraces a myriad of se lected vital terms a nd definitions that are used in the global marketplace, a nd in the wo r ld trade press.
They are intended to help all impo r ters, expo r ters, bankers, shippers, economists a nd students of international business.
Many of the terms that appear in the dictionary emanate fr om the establishment of international o r ganizations, which are specialized o r have to do with international trade impo r t, expo r t a nd shipping such as the General Agreement on Tariffs a nd Trade which later developed into the International Trade o r ganization, as well as the International Maritime o r ganization, a nd such cartels as the o r ganization of Petroleum Expo r ting Countries (OAPEC) thus enriching the international business terminology a nd helping readers to understa nd their meaning a nd content.