وصف الكتاب
The compilation of this dictionary is felt necessary because in the past century o r mo r e, the science of economics has developed considerably. New theo r ies, prepositions, models, concepts a nd approaches were introduced. Several modern economists such as Adam Smith, John Stewart Mill, Alfred Marshall, John Maynard Keynes, Samuelson, Schumpeter, a nd many others have contributed generously to the field of modern economics. I have Allotted a special annex in my book to those great men who contributed generously to the field of modern economics with info r mation on their educational background, academic experience, their best known books on the subject of economics a nd their contributions thereto.
This dictionary differs fr om conventional lexicons in that it includes the terms a nd definitions in both English a nd Arabic. It is readable in either language o r in both, namely it serves the English o r Arabic readers o r both.
It is wide enough a nd contains mo r e than seven thousa nd entries covering, inter alia, such branches of economics as economic theo r y, environmental economics, international economics, political economic, economic statistics, a nd development economics. It is intended to serve students of business, personnel of bank a nd non-bank financial institutions, employees of international economic a nd social development o r ganizations, journalists a nd many others.
Another impo r tant feature of our books is Annex one, A glossary of Islamic Business Terms, which is compiled, edited a nd contributed by Mr. Mazin El-Taher, an MA graduate in linguistics with high distinction fr om University of Bath, U.K, Chief of the language Services Division of the Islamic Development Bank.
The dictionary includes a third annex containing a long list of economic abbreviations a nd acronyms, which together with the main dictionary a nd the two other annexes make our volume a comprehensive reference to all its readers.