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The challenge faced by many highly qualified technical people in any o r ganisation comes with the promotion to 'team leader' o r 'superviso r ' o r 'senio r something'.
This promotion brings responsibility fo r the wo r k of other skilled people. The transition fr om the technical role to superviso r y role can be nerve-wracking, but it is often described as an oppo r tunity, the pressure, however, is on fr om day one. This book fits the requirement of modern life:
- Bite-sized pieces in conversational English
- Cheap enough fo r someone to buy fo r themselves
- Accessible enough fo r someone to learn something useful while on the bus to wo r k
- Practical guidance in a range of management topics, with a minimum of theo r y All newly promoted leaders a nd managers will benefit fr om this book.
It is written as a series of emails, each covering one sho r t topic o r an aspect of a topic, with no mo r e than two o r three pages per email.