ارض الكتب
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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : علم النفس السريري للأسماك ، الطبعة الثالثة

/ باتريشيا كيسي
/ علم النفس السريري للأسماك ، الطبعة الثالثة
ارض الكتب علم النفس السريري للأسماك ، الطبعة الثالثة

علم النفس السريري للأسماك ، الطبعة الثالثة

العنوان:علم النفس السريري للأسماك ، الطبعة الثالثة
المؤلف:باتريشيا كيسي
التصنيف:علم النفس العام-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة العربية

وصف الكتاب

Fish's Clinical Psychopathology has shaped the psychiatric training a nd clinical practice of several generations of psychiatrists, but has been out of print fo r many years. The third edition of this modern classic presents the clinical descriptions a nd psychopathological insights of Fish to a new generation of students a nd practitioners. This is an essential text fo r students of medicine, trainees in psychiatry a nd practising psychiatrists. It will also be of interest to psychiatric nurses, mental health social wo r kers, clinical psychologists a nd all readers who value concise descriptions of the symptoms of mental illness a nd astute accounts of the many a nd varied manifestations of diso r dered psychological function. Also Available Jenny Speaks Out (Books Beyond Wo r ds) - ISBN 1904671144 Depression in Children a nd Young People: Identification a nd Management in Primary, Community a nd Secondary Care (National Clinical Guideline) - ISBN 1854334247 RCPsych Publications is the publishing arm of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (ba sed in London, United Kingdom), which has been promoting excellence in mental health care since 1841. Produced by the same edito r ial team who publish The British Journal of Psychiatry , they sell books fo r both psychiatrists a nd other mental health professionals, a nd also many written fo r the general public. Their popular series include the College Seminars Series , the NICE mental health guidelines a nd the Books Beyond Wo r ds series fo r people with intellectual disabilities. RCPsych publishes in all areas of psychiatry a nd mental health, including but not limited to: Clinical psychiatric practice Intellectual disability Mental health services fo r children, adolescents, adults a nd the elderly Psychopharmacology Psychotherapy Rehabilitation psychiatry Family mental health Service provision RCPsych Publications books can help with the following diso r ders: Addictions Affective diso r ders Attention deficit hyperactivity diso r der (ADHD) Bereavement Bo r derline personality diso r der Cognitive-behavio r al therapy (CBT) Dementia Depression Eating diso r ders Perinatal psychiatric diso r der Post-traumatic stress diso r der (PTSD) Psychosis Schizophrenia Sleep problems


باتريشيا كيسي | ارض الكتب

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