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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : اشراقات تنموية

/ أ.م وفاء قيس كريم
/ اشراقات تنموية
ارض الكتب اشراقات تنموية

اشراقات تنموية

العنوان:اشراقات تنموية
المؤلف:أ.م وفاء قيس كريم
التصنيف:علم نفس النمو-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة العربية

وصف الكتاب

The terro r ism of the most serious pests of the state a nd society, a nd when spreading terro r ism manifestations of crime in the country, on the negative elements of society a nd all segments of its effects are reflected.

It is no secret that one of the first affected by terro r ism are the children, a nd this is reflected in the various manifestations of damage, As well as the first right of the child is to make him lose his right to security a nd stability in the Children's safe, it may also lose the right to life o r the right to physical integrity o r his right to grow a nd survive under his parents ...


The reflected damage other manifestations of a mo r e complex, such as the recruitment of children a nd their involvement in terro r ist acts a nd related wo r k are all unparalleled views, making their rights at risk.

The file «recruitment of children» in the old as the phenomenon that is rooted in the violent histo r y of armed conflict, but the documentation of the photos by the new wave of terro r ism anarchist-led «privilege», reopen the case , on the grounds transmission phenomenon of the rights of the child, who was arguably elitist confined to the co r rido r s of human rights o r ganizations a nd international institutions related to box, to a general phenomenon posed by the media without criticism are conscious of the gravity of involvement with such images .If, fo r excitement journalist, without reading a closer fo r the reasons a nd causes, consequences a nd implications of the spread of the phenomenon of child xploitation by extremist groups, a nd with the «Daash», recruitment a nd exploitation of children in armed conflict a nd violence, intellectual a nd practical than a phenomenon repugnant file trying o r ganizations denied o r refuted moved , a nd perhaps justified timidly, to the phenomenon of armed groups in the vaunted adopted, a nd this is what we are seeing now with «Daash» in hot spots in most Arab a nd Islamic countries.

a nd to identify the means a nd methods used by terro r ist elements in the recruitment of children age (5-17 years), the researcher building measure consists of (13) items a nd after the presentation to the experts to extract the Face validity, has been de leted (3) vertebrae, bringing the number of items of the scale (10) items .

As the researcher to pull (50) family who subjected her children to participate in the terro r ist elements.

After the application of items measure them, a nd extract statistical analysis of the vertebrae, the results showed that about 4 items of the means a nd methods of terro r ist got the highest ratios, which narrowed fr om (77.33% - 90.33%) degrees.

When the researcher get the results, it made a number of recommendations a nd suggestions.


أ.م وفاء قيس كريم | ارض الكتب

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