وصف الكتاب
Title: The Dietary a nd Modern Medical Sciences of Ahlulbayt (AS) - Tib e Reza, Tib e Imam Jafar Sadiq, Tib e Nabvi, Tib e Masoomeen, Tib e Ali, Tib e Mustafa, Tib e Mosa Kazim - Favo r ite Food of Ahlebait (AS), Ahlebait Remedies, Tib e Ahlebait Treatment, Ahlebait Healing Foods, Quranic Food, Ahlebait Treatment a nd Wazif
This book by Dr. Syed Mustafa Kazmi explo r es the favo r ite foods of Ahlulbayt (AS) a nd their medicinal benefits. It includes their preferred vegetables a nd fruits, alongside teachings fr om Tib e Reza, Tib e Imam Jafar Sadiq, Tib e Nabvi, Tib e Masoomeen, Tib e Ali, Tib e Mustafa, a nd Tib e Mosa Kazim. The book sheds light on the nutritional benefits of fruits a nd vegetables mentioned in Hadiths, co r relating them with insights fr om modern medical science. It proves to be info r mative a nd beneficial fo r readers in the light of modern research. The book also includes info r mation on the favo r ite foods of Ahlebait (AS), their remedies, Tib e Ahlebait treatment, healing foods as per Quranic teachings, a nd Ahlebait treatment a nd Wazif, along with a recipe fo r making Sawiq (a type of po r ridge).