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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : Scientific Research a nd Science Of Decisions - Vidence-ba sed Vernance

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/ Scientific Research a nd Science Of Decisions - Vidence-ba sed Vernance
ارض الكتب Scientific Research a nd Science Of Decisions - Vidence-ba sed Vernance

Scientific Research a nd Science Of Decisions - Vidence-ba sed Vernance

العنوان:Scientific Research a nd Science Of Decisions - Vidence-ba sed Vernance
المؤلف:الأستاذ الدكتور فارس رشيد البياتي
التصنيف:التنمية البشرية-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

Introduction: ",Evidence-ba sed Governance: Bridging Science a nd Decision-Making fo r Sustainable Development",
In the intricate tapestry of modern governance, the fusion of scientific research a nd decision science emerges as a pivotal thread, weaving together the fabric of effective a nd sustainable development. This book embarks on a journey to explo r e the profound relationship between evidence-ba sed governance a nd the intricate dance of scientific explo r ation a nd national decision-making. As we navigate the complexities of our global la ndscape, it becomes imperative to address the challenges surrounding scientific research, harness its potential fo r info r med decision-making, a nd pave the way fo r sustainable development rooted in comprehensive planning.
Opinions abound on the interplay of science a nd governance, each viewpoint bearing its unique vantage point. These perspectives are shaped by diverse circumstances inherent to each nation a nd the distinct spaces occupied by various generations. Yet, within this cacophony, a common thread binds us - the imperative to confront the challenges posed by scientific research a nd decisively steer national development towards a sustainable future.
This book does not dwell on the negative aspects but instead directs its focus towards constructive solutions. At its co r e, this scientific project seeks to present a comprehensive plan, outlining the role of scientific research in shaping a nd enabling national decisions, a nd meticulously monito r ing development trends fo r sustainable progress.


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