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This text is the 16th revised a nd up da ted edition of this introduction to art, fr om the earliest cave paintings to experimental art. Eight new artists fr om the modern period have been introduced. They are: Co r ot, Kollwitz, Nolde, de Chirico, Brancussi, Magritte, Nicolson a nd Mo r a ndi. A sequence of new ",endings", have been added, a nd the captions are now fuller, including the medium a nd dimension of the wo r ks illustrated. Six fold-outs present se lected large-scale wo r ks. They are: Van Eyck's ",Ghent Altarpiece",, Leonardo's ",Last Supper",, Botticelli's ",Birth of Venus",, Jackson Pollock's ",One (Number 31, 1950)",, Van der Weyden's ",Descent fr om the Cross", a nd Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling.