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The term ",Human Resource Management",, a nd the concept behind it, are laden a nd blended with the concept of value. Value are part of the fabric of culture. The concept that human beings are a resource to further the execative endes of an o r ganization is a concept that is contrary to the values of many cultures, Perhaps in is most instrumental conceptualization, this may also be contrary to the values of many cultures. Certainly the ideas behind what constitute the principles, Policies a nd practices of managing people in o r gnizations differ even among Western European countries, a nd certainly between American a nd most Western European Countries. Businees environment is turbulent a nd complex as never befo r e. While you might find some speak positively o r others might be sekptical a nd highly pessimistic about it. What therefo r e strikes us as co r po r ate professionals is the impact it has on our careers a nd future at the wo r kplace. This unit dwells on the provisions fo r employee growth a nd development that o r ganizations provide fo r . Extra info r mation is comprehensively mentioned inside the ha ndbook you are carrying now a nd waiting fo r you to discover mo r e a nd mo r e about one of the most impo r tant topics of HRM. New Trends in HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEME.