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Throughout time, fr om ancient Rome to modern Britain, the great empires built a nd maintained their domination through fo r ce of arms a nd political power. But not the United States. America has dominated the wo r ld in a new, peaceful, a nd pervasive way -- through the continued creation of staggering wealth. In this autho r itative, engrossing histo r y, John Steele Go r don capture Throughout time, fr om ancient Rome to modern Britain, the great empires built a nd maintained their domination through fo r ce of arms a nd political power. But not the United States. America has dominated the wo r ld in a new, peaceful, a nd pervasive way -- through the continued creation of staggering wealth. In this autho r itative, engrossing histo r y, John Steele Go r don captures as never befo r e the true source of our nation's global influence: wealth a nd the capacity to create mo r e of it.
This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including autho r interviews, recommended reading, a nd mo r e.