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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : جت ستريم للنجاح

/ Julian Pencilliah
/ جت ستريم للنجاح
ارض الكتب جت ستريم للنجاح

جت ستريم للنجاح

العنوان:جت ستريم للنجاح
المؤلف:Julian Pencilliah
التصنيف:التنمية البشرية-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

",The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the wo r ld, are the ones who do", - Steve Jobs Legends create histo r y everyday. The status of being a legend is reserved fo r the chosen few who believe they are destined fo r greatness. Achieving success is your ability to eliminate the weaknesses a nd biases that are inherent within yourself. Histo r y tells us that not all greats have off-the-chart IQs, no r are they bo r n with limitless freedom. In fact, it is this triumph over less than favo r able circumstances a nd their determination to achieve that we tend to respect the most. The people who have changed the wo r ld are people like you a nd I. They set out to achieve outsta nding results a nd make their decisions within intellectual criteria. All the greats have engaged a higher impulse, a higher ba ndwidth, a nd an inherent strength. [Pg. 43, The Jetstream of Success] Autho r , Julian Pencilliah, lives by five rules daily: · Believe with an extravagance · Think with a sophistication · Exceed probability amplitudes · Smile with Radiance · Get Lucky The Jetstream of Success is a book filled with crystallized wisdom a nd intellectual processes that is meant to help the reader become mo r e sophisticated in their thinking. As powerful as the lessons are, they required context, a sense of connection with the reader. It is fo r this reason the autho r takes you on a journey across the wo r ld to live through his real life experiences to serve as analogies that unveil the potential within you. The chapters are filled with entertainment that is delivered through the richest writing a nd locations around the wo r ld. Whether it's going face-to-face with a great white shark in the depths of the Atlantic, dancing the samba at the Rio Carnival o r being on a game drive with Virgin billionaire Sir Richard Branson, every single chapter will keep you captivated a nd completely engrossed. The Jetstream of Success has been written to help the reader to reinvent themselves mo r e conducive to their goals. The book was not intended to be an easy read. In fact, it was designed to challenge the reader to take a leap of vision a nd piece together an ever-fuller understa nding of themselves so they can redefine their lives a nd as a result, their futures. ",The book is ba sed on the realization that the richest awakening of yourself will unveil life's deepest mysteries", - Julian Pencilliah


Julian Pencilliah | ارض الكتب

Julian Pencilliah

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