التصنيف | : | Cheney, A. N. Introduction.--Hallock, Charles. The Salmon.--Perry. W. A. The Pacific salmon.--Cheighton, J. G. A. The la ndlocked salmon.--Haldeman, W. N. The tarpon.--Endicott, Francis. The striped bass.--Henshall, J. A. The black bass.--Goode, G. B. The blue-fish.--Henshall, J. A. The mascalonge.--Mosher, A. A. The mascalonge in Wisconsin waters.--Thurston, F. H. The brook trout.--Murray, W. H. H. Trouting on the Nipigon.--Pardee, Luther. The lake trout.--Shields, G. O. The Rocky mountain trout.--Clarke, S. C. Sea bass, sea trout, Spanish mackerel...a nd other southern fishes.--Thurston, F. H. The grayling.--Tomlia, W. D. The pike.--Mosher, A. A. The wall-eyed pike.--Tomlin, W. D. The pickerel.--Mather, Fred. The white perch.--Jo r dan, D. S. The yellow bass, white bass, strawberry bass...--Harris, W. C. The senses of fishes.--Keene, J. H. Fishing tackle, a nd how to make it.--Milan, B. C. Reels, their use a nd abuse.--Shields, G. O. The angler's camp outfit التنمية البشرية- |