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",Credit is largely due to Frank D. Graham ... fo r the autho r ship of the Guides, a nd fo r the o r iginal sketches illustrating electrical principles a nd construction.", --Pref. to no. 1
no. 1. Electricity, magnetism, induction, experiments, dynamos, armature windings -- no. 2. Management of dynamos, moto r s, instruments testing -- no. 3. Wiring a nd distribution systems, sto r age batteries -- no. 4. Alternating currents a nd alternato r s -- no. 5. A. c. moto r s, transfo r mers, converters, rectifiers -- no. 6. A. c. switch boards, circuit breakers measuring instruments -- no. 7. A. c. wiring, power stations, telephone wo r k -- no. 8. Telegraph, wireless, bells, lighting -- no. 9. Railways, motion pictures, automobiles, ignition -- no. 10. Modern applications of electricity, reference index