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As Osho points out in the fo r eward to this book, histo r ically, the creative person has been all but fo r ced to rebel against the society. But nowadays, the situation has dramatically changed. In today's wo r ld, the ability to respond creatively to new challenges is dema nded of everybody, fr om co r po r ate CEOs to ",soccer moms.", Those whose toolbox fo r dealing with life includes only what they have learned in the past fr om their parents a nd their teachers are at a distinct disadvantage both in their relationships a nd in their careers. Making a switch fr om imitative a nd rule-bound behavio r to creative innovation a nd flexibility requires a profound change in our attitudes about ourselves a nd our capabilities. Creativity is a ha ndbook fo r those who understa nd the need to bring mo r e creativity, playfulness, a nd flexibility to their lives. It's a manual fo r thinking ",outside the box",-a nd learning to live there as well. أقرأ أقل