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Sho r t sixes: The teno r . Col. Brereton's aunty. A roundup. The two churches of 'Quawket. The love-letters of Smith. Zenobia's infidelity. The nine cent-girls. The nice people. Mr. Copernicus a nd the proletariat. Hecto r . A sisterly scheme. Zozo. An old, old sto r y.--The surburban sage: Mr.Chedby on a regular nuisance. Early stages of the bloomer fever. The suburban ho r se. The building craze. Moving in. A water-colo r house. The pointers. The furnace. The time-table test. The society church. The suburbanite a nd his golf. The suburban dog. The Newcomers. The first of it. The spo r ting scheme. The evolution of the suburbanite