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Profit fr om a powerful, proven investment strategy
The Little Book That Makes You Rich is the latest book in the popular ",Little Book, Big Profits", series. Written by Louis Navellier -- one of the most well-respected a nd successful growth investo r s of our day -- this book offers a fundamental understa nding of how to get rich using the best in growth investing strategies. Navellier has made a living by picking top, actively traded stocks a nd capturing unparalleled profits fr om them in the process. Now, with The Little Book That Makes You Rich, he shows you how to find stocks that are poised fo r rapid price increases, regardless of overall stock market direction. Navellier also offers the statistical a nd quantitative measures needed to measure risk a nd reward along the path to profitable growth stock investing. Filled with in-depth insights a nd practical advice, The Little Book That Makes You Rich gives individual investo r s specific tools fo r se lecting stocks ba sed on the facto r s that years of research have proven to lead to growth stock profits. These facto r s include analysts' moves, profit margins expansion, a nd rapid sales growth. In addition to offering you tips fo r not paying too much fo r growth, the autho r also addresses essential issues that every growth investo r must be aware of, including which signs will tell you when it's time to get rid of a stock a nd how to monito r a po r tfolio in o r der to maintain its overall quality. Accessible a nd engaging, The Little Book That Makes You Rich outlines an effective approach to building true wealth in today's markets.
Louis Navellier (Reno, NV) has one of the most exceptional long-term track reco r ds of any financial newsletter edito r in America. As a financial analyst a nd edito r of investment newsletters since 1980, Navellier's recommendations (published in Emerging Growth) have gained over 4,806 percent in the last 22 years, as confirmed by a leading independent newsletter rating service, The Hulbert Financial Digest. Emerging Growth is one of Navellier's four services, which also includes his Blue Chip Growth service fo r large-cap stock investo r s, his Quantum Growth service fo r active traders seeking sho r ter-term gains, a nd his Global Growth service fo r active traders focused on high growth global stocks.