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The international conference on the regan administration's fo r eign policy convened in brusseis fr om 28-30 september 1984 nder the auspices of the international progress o r ganization. Repo r ts were submitted by international jurists, fo r eign policy specialists a nd nobel laureates on various aspects of the reagan administration's fo r eign policy. They were presented befo r d a panel of jurists consisting of hon farouk abu-eissa (sudan), atto r ney fo r mer fo r eign minister, secretary-general arab lawyers union, prof. Francis a. boyle (US), professo r of international law fr om the university of illinois, chairman, Dr. hans goeran franck (sweden), atto r ney, member of swedish parliament, hon. Mirza Gholan hafiz (bangladesh), fo r mer speaker bangladesh parliament a nd currently a senio r advocate of bangladesh supreme court, hon. Mary M. kaufman (US), atto r ney of law, prosecuting atto r ney at the nuremberg war crimes trial against I.G. farben, Dr. jean claude njem (cameroon), assistant professo r at the faculty of law uppsala university, a nd a consultant of the government, prof. Alberto ruis-elderdge (peru), professo r of law, fo r mer president of the national council of justice, a nd Dr. mumtaz soysal (turkey), professo r of constitutional law, university of ankara. An accusation against the international legality of the reagan administration's fo r eign polixy was delivered by the hono r able ramsey clark, fo r mer US atto r ney- general, a nd a defence by professo r harry almond of the US national war college appearing in a completely unofficial capacity. ba sed upon all the repo r ts a nd documents submitted a nd the arguments by the advocates, the brusels panel of jurists rendered its conclusions concerning the compatibility of the reagon fo r eign policy with the requirements of international law. أقرأ أقل