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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : التاريخ الحديث للسياسة الخارجية اللبنانية - السعي للاستقلال 1943 - 1958

/ عباس أبو صليح
/ التاريخ الحديث للسياسة الخارجية اللبنانية - السعي للاستقلال 1943 - 1958
ارض الكتب التاريخ الحديث للسياسة الخارجية اللبنانية - السعي للاستقلال 1943 - 1958

التاريخ الحديث للسياسة الخارجية اللبنانية - السعي للاستقلال 1943 - 1958

العنوان:التاريخ الحديث للسياسة الخارجية اللبنانية - السعي للاستقلال 1943 - 1958
المؤلف:عباس أبو صليح
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

Considering the above problems the future of Lebanese fo r eign policy looks grim. The pressure fr om both the Arab countries a nd Israel fo r a change in the policy of Lebanon is likely to continue. But the option of Lebanon’s policy will be limited by the necessity of maintaining the delicate internal balance. The military weakness of Lebanon suggests a passive policy in the future which may seriously threaten her independence a nd integrity. Fated by its strategic location a nd political weakness, Lebanon is likely to remain under external pressure a nd conflicting influences. As long as external influences exist a nd the two majo r internal factions do not reach a clear understa nding on this issue, the future a nd destiny of the Lebanese state remain uncertain.

But L ebanon’s capacity to survive a sto r my future depends on its flexibility a nd ability to adjust to the changing patterns of the Middle-East a nd wo r ld politics. Better adjustment to rapid changes in the future fo r the preservation of both Lebanon’s national unity a nd its vital interests in the Arab wo r ld. It is very likely that Lebanon will continue to follow a neutral policy towards intra-Arab disputes a nd the East-West relations. The fo r eign policy of Lebanon needs to be mo r e liberal a nd active at the international level.

The posthumous wo r k of Abbas Abu Salih, through documentation a nd archives of firstha nd, prompts us to recognize the strategic impo r tance of Lebanon in international relations, especially through the declarations of diplomats, a nd the internal requirements of a culture of prudence that Lebanese should adopt in these relations. But nothing prevents new deadly adventures incurred by one o r another big mino r ity in o r der to shatter the fundamental balance a nd to undermine the message of Lebanon, as is shown in the Lebanese context today. We would have liked to hear the comments of Abbas Abu Salih now concerning the new adventures that have made Lebanon an arena a nd engaged it in regional a nd international issues. أقرأ أقل


عباس أبو صليح | ارض الكتب

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