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Sale included: modern paintings, o r iental art, Chinese a nd Japanese objects, Chinese po r celains, Chinese cloisonné enamels, antique a nd modern bronzes, jade, agate, crystal, Chinese glazes, egg-shell, Japanese silver, gold lacquer, old Satsuma a nd rock crystal, Japanese ivo r y carvings, carvings in wood, art in sterling silver, European ceramics, crystals a nd enamels, Sèvres po r celain, Dresden po r celain, Minton faïence, royal Vienna po r celain, Austrian carved crystals a nd enamels, Webb cameo glass, po r celain plaques, plates, bronzes, sculpture a nd miscellaneous objects, limoges, English glassware, cabinets, fine art a nd other books, etchings a nd engravings, old school, modern etchers, American etchers
Includes index a nd biographical notes on the artists represented
Lancour: 1092
Lugt: 45481
Auction fr om March 3,1886 to March 5, 1886 at Chickering Hall, New Yo r k, NY a nd fr om March 8, 1886 to the following days at American Art Galleries, New Yo r k, NY
Electronic reproduction
Master a nd use copy. Digital master created acco r ding to Benchmark fo r Faithful Digital Reproductions of Monographs a nd Serials, Version 1. Digital Library Federation, December 2002
Description ba sed on print version reco r d