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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : الأساطير والتاريخ والفن

/ Basil Markesinis
/ الأساطير والتاريخ والفن
ارض الكتب الأساطير والتاريخ والفن

الأساطير والتاريخ والفن

العنوان:الأساطير والتاريخ والفن
المؤلف:Basil Markesinis
التصنيف:الأدب العربي-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

Sir Basil Markesinis has held tenured senio r posts at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxfo r d, University of London, Leiden (in the Netherla nds) a nd the Law School of the University of Texas at Austin wh ere he is now Emeritus Professo r of Comparative Methodology. He has also held fo r a number of years part-time Chairs at the Universities of Paris I (So r bonne), Paris II (Assas), Munich (Germany), Ghent (Belgium), Siena, Genova, a nd Rome (Italy), the Michigan Law School (at Ann-Arbour) fo r two years a nd the Co r nell Law School fo r four years. He has autho r ed o r co-autho r ed 56 books, over 150 legal articles, a nd close to 100 articles on geopolitical issues in journals a nd newspapers in three continents. His most-recent wo r k is his three-volume illustrated treatise entitled Ancient Greek Poetry fr om Homer to Roman Times, Jan Sramek, Verlag (2017). His academic wo r k has earned him Fellowships at the Academies of Athens, Belgium, Britain, France, the Netherla nds, Rome (Lincei), as well as the Athens Archaeological Society a nd the American Law Institute. Fo r his wo r k in promoting international relations a nd the study of various European Cultures, especially through his creation of the Leiden Institute of Anglo-American Law (in 1987), The Oxfo r d Institute of European a nd Comparative Law (in 1996) of which he was Founder, fund raiser, a nd first Directo r , a nd the Texas Institute of Global Law (in 2000), he was awarded the Insignia of the Knight Gra nd Cross of the o r der of Merit of the Republic of Italy, the Knight Gra nd Cross of the o r der of Merit of the Republic of France, the Insignia of the Gra nd Cross of Service with Star of the Republic of Germany, as well as the insignia of Comma nder of the o r der of the Légion d' honneur of France. In 1997 on the recommendation of the Lo r d Chancello r , he was appointed Hon. Queen's Counsel, a nd in 2005, on the advice of the Prime Minister, he was knighted by H. M. Queen Elizabeth II fo r ",exceptional services to international relations.",


Basil Markesinis | ارض الكتب

Basil Markesinis

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