وصف الكتاب
[v. 1] All's well that ends well.--King Henry VIII.--[v. 2] Cymbeline. Timon of Athens.--[v. 3] Hamlet. Comedy of erro r s.--[v. 4] Henry IV. Pt. 1. Henry IV. Pt. 2.--[v. 5] Henry VI. Pt. 1. Henry VI. Pt. 2.--[v. 6] Henry VI. Pt. 3. Troilus a nd Cressida.--[v. 7] Julius Caesar. As you like it.--[v. 8] King Lear. The tempest.--[v. 9] King Richard II. Macbeth.--[v. 10] King Richard III. Love's labour's lost.--[v. 11] Life of Shakespeare. A midsummer night's dream.--[v. 12] Measure fo r measure. Antony a nd Cleopatra.--[v. 13] Merchant of Venice. Romeo a nd Juliet.--[v. 14] Merry wives of Windso r . King Henry V.--[v. 15] Poems a nd sonnets. Two gentlemen of Verona.--[v. 16] The taming of the shrew. Co r iolanus.--[v. 17] Titus a ndronicus. Pericles. Much ado about nothing.--[v. 18] Twelfth night. Othello.--[v. 19] A winter's tale. King John.--[. 20] Topical index ... together with explanations of allusions a nd obscure a nd obsolete wo r ds a nd phrases, by Evangeline M. O'Conno r
[20] v., illus., col. front أقرأ أقل