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Jane Austen’s beloved comedic novel is now available in a revised a nd up da ted No r ton Critical Edition. The text of the Fourth Edition of the No r ton Critical Edition of Emma is ba sed on the 1816 edition published by John Murray. Geo r ge Justice has lightly a nd judiciously emended the text fo r faithfulness a nd clarity. The novel is accompanied by detailed explanato r y annotations as well as facsimiles of the 1816 title a nd dedication pages. “Backgrounds” collects a wealth of source material, much of it new to the Fourth Edition. New material includes Austen’s co r respondence with her publisher about the business of writing, revealing Austen’s view of her own writing a nd career. In addition, there are two sets of verses—“Kitty, A Fair But Frozen Maid” a nd “Robin Adair”—referenced in Emma as well as responses (1815–1950) to Austen a nd her writing fr om, among others, Charlotte Brontë, Juliet Pollock, Virginia Woolf, D. W. Harding, a nd Edmund Wilson. “Reviews a nd Criticism” includes twelve majo r interpretations of the novel, nine of them new to the Fourth Edition. New contributo r s include Jan Fergus, Patricia Meyer Spacks, Tony Tanner, Maaja Stewart, D. A. Miller, Emily Auerbach, Gabrielle D. V. White, Richard Jenkyns, a nd David Monaghan. A Chronology a nd se lected Bibliography are also included.