وصف الكتاب
",Bibliographical note",: p. 325-326
Introduction.--Pt. 1. The tentative period: Irving, W. Rip Van Winkle. Austin W. Peter Rugg, the missing man. Hall, J. The French village. Pike, A. the inroad of the Nabajo.--Pt. 2. The period of the new fo r m: Hawtho r ne, N. The white old maid. Longfellow, H.W. The notary of Périgueux. Poe, E.A. The fall of the house of Usher. Willis, N.P. The inlet of peach blossoms. Kirkla nd, C.M.S. The bee-tree. O'Brien, F.-J. What was it? A mystery. Harte, F.B. The outcasts of Poker Flat. Webster, A.F. Miss Eunice's glove. Taylo r , B. Who was she? Bunner, H.C. The love-letters of Smith. Frederic, H. The eve of the Fourth