وصف الكتاب
1 v. (xviii, 340 p.) : 29 cm
19 sound cassettes
Family a nd youth in Mississippi, background in chemical engineering, graduate student at MIT, wartime service at Oak Ridge National Labo r ato r y, co-founding the Department of Nuclear Engineering Education at MIT with Manson Benedict in 1952, developing the first nuclear engineering textbook, nuclear reacto r designs a nd government policy in the 1950s, starting the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of Califo r nia, Berkeley in 1959, reflections on citizen a nd student activism in the 1960s, environmental concerns of the 1960s a nd 1970s, service on the National Atomic Energy Safety Licensing Boards, 1963-1974, reviewing the Diablo Canyon, Fermi-l, a nd General Electric reacto r s, investigating the accidents at Three Mile Isla nd a nd Chernobyl, member of delegations to the Soviet Union, 1988, a nd the Ukraine, 1994, changing research focus to nuclear waste management in the 1970s, theo r etical breakthroughs in the transpo r t of radioactive materials through geologic media, consultant to the WIPP a nd Yucca Mountain projects, reviewing the Swedish program, 1986-1991, site characteristics of Yucca Mountain, dissenting opinion on Yucca Mountain Sta ndards, 1995, wo r king to deter proliferation of nuclear weapons in the 1990s, role of family in career
Fo r ms part of the University histo r y series
Dept. of Special Collections, University of Califo r nia, Los Angeles Library
Volume includes index