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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : محاسبات سرشکنی : همراه با لوح فشرده

/ Charles D. Ghilani , Paul R. Wolf , محمد‌علی شریفی
/ محاسبات سرشکنی : همراه با لوح فشرده
ارض الكتب محاسبات سرشکنی : همراه با لوح فشرده

محاسبات سرشکنی : همراه با لوح فشرده

العنوان:محاسبات سرشکنی : همراه با لوح فشرده
المؤلف:Charles D. Ghilani , Paul R. Wolf , محمد‌علی شریفی
التصنيف:التجارة-المحاسبة الادارية
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة العربية

وصف الكتاب

The complete guide to adjusting fo r measurement erro r --expa nded a nd up da ted

No measurement is ever exact. Adjustment Computations up da tes a classic, definitive text on surveying with the latest methodologies a nd tools fo r analyzing a nd adjusting erro r s with a focus on least squares adjustments, the most rigo r ous methodology available a nd the one on which accuracy sta ndar The complete guide to adjusting fo r measurement erro r --expa nded a nd up da ted

No measurement is ever exact. Adjustment Computations up da tes a classic, definitive text on surveying with the latest methodologies a nd tools fo r analyzing a nd adjusting erro r s with a focus on least squares adjustments, the most rigo r ous methodology available a nd the one on which accuracy sta ndards fo r surveys are ba sed.

Extensively up da ted, this Fourth Edition covers basic terms a nd fundamentals of erro r s a nd methods of analyzing them a nd progresses to specific adjustment computations a nd spatial info r mation analysis. Each chapter includes practical examples, illustrations, a nd sample practice problems. Current a nd comprehensive, the book features:
* Easy-to-understa nd language a nd an emphasis on real-wo r ld applications
* Extensive coverage of the treatment of GPS-acquired data
* New chapters on analyzing data in three dimensions, confidence intervals, statistical testing, a nd mo r e
* Extensively up da ted STATS, ADJUST, a nd MATRIX software packages
* A new companion CD &, web site with a 150-page solutions manual, software, MathCAD wo r ksheets, a nd view graphs
* The latest info r mation on advanced topics such as blunder detection a nd the method of general least squares

Adjustment Computations, Fourth Edition is an invaluable reference a nd self-study resource fo r wo r king surveyo r s, photogrammetrists, a nd professionals who use GPS a nd GIS fo r data collection a nd analysis, including oceanographers, urban planners, fo r esters, geographers, a nd transpo r tation planners. It's also an indispensable resource fo r students preparing fo r licensing exams a nd the ideal textbook fo r courses in surveying, civil engineering, fo r estry, cartography, a nd geology.


Charles D. Ghilani , Paul R. Wolf , محمد‌علی شریفی | ارض الكتب

Charles D. Ghilani , Paul R. Wolf , محمد‌علی شریفی

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