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This tho r oughly revised a nd up da ted edition of Investment Philosophies covers different investment philosophies a nd reveal the beliefs that underlie each one, the evidence on whether the strategies that arise fr om the philosophy actually produce results, a nd what an investo r needs to bring to the table to make the philosophy wo r k.
The book covers a wealth of strategies including indexing, passive a nd activist value investing, growth investing, chart/technical analysis, market timing, arbitrage, a nd many mo r e investment philosophies.
Presents the tools needed to understa nd po r tfolio management a nd the variety of strategies available to achieve investment success
Explo r es the process of creating a nd managing a po r tfolio
Shows readers how to profit like successful value growth index investo r s
Aswath Damodaran is a well-known academic a nd practitioner in finance who is an expert on different approaches to valuation a nd investment
This vital resource examines various investing philosophies a nd provides you with helpful online resources a nd tools to fully investigate each investment philosophy a nd assess whether it is a philosophy that is appropriate fo r you.