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A timely guide to making the best investment strategies even better A wide variety of strategies have been identified over the years, which purpo r tedly outperfo r m the stock market. Some of these include buying undervalued stocks while others rely on technical analysis techniques. It's fair to say no one method is fool proof a nd most go through both up a nd down periods. The challenge fo r an investo r is picking the right method at the right time. The Little Book of Stock Market Profits shows you how to achieve this elusive goal a nd make the most of your time in today's markets.
Written by Mitch Zacks, Senio r Po r tfolio Manager of Zacks Investment Management, this latest title in the Little Book series reveals stock market strategies that really wo r k a nd then shows you how they can be made even better. It skillfully highlights earnings-ba sed investing strategies, the hallmark of the Zacks process, but it also identifies strategies ba sed on valuations, seasonal patterns a nd price momentum.
Specifically, the book:
Identifies stock market investment strategies that wo r k, those that don't, a nd what it takes fo r an individual investo r to truly succeed in today's dynamic market Discusses how the perfo r mance of each strategy examined can be improved by combining into them into a multifacto r approach Gives investo r s a clear path to integrating the best investment strategies of all time into their own personal po r tfolio Investing can be difficult, but with the right strategies you can improve your overall perfo r mance. The Little book of Stock Market Profits will show you how.