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International marketing has emerged as discipline only recently, as a result of ever-increasing interdependence of nations a nd the rise of multinational companies which consider the globe as one market fo r them. The process of trade liberalization which started in 1980s has been changing rapidly the wo r ld economies including developing countries to gear up to the challenges of competing in an increasingly integrated, highly global market place. In such a situation, a manufacturer has to acquire a tho r ough understa nding of international marketing environment befo r e deciding whether to enter into the overseas market which has undergone radical changes in respect of rapid growth of wo r ld trade a nd investment, growth of international bra nds in commodities like clothing. Electronics a nd many other catego r ies, gradual opening of new markets, the severe debt problems of developing countries a nd the international financial system, a nd rising trend in tariff a nd non-tariff barriers.
Keeping this fact in view this book has dealt with various problem areas of international trade considering the highly dynamics nature of international trade wh ere rapid development are taking place almost every day.
This book has been written keeping in view the syllabus requirements of the university students a nd faculty members, This book would be found very useful to traders, practicing managers a nd professional institutions engaged in international marketing.