وصف الكتاب
Includes index
Narrative of the voyage of Abd-er-Razzak...A. D. 1442. Tr. fr om the Persian into French by m. Quatremère. Rendered into English, with notes, by R. I. Majo r .--The travels of Nicolò Conti in the East in the early part of the fifteenth century. Tr. fr om the o r iginal of Poggio Bracciolini, with notes by J. W. Jones.--The travels of Athanasius Nikitin...Tr. fr om the Russian, with notes, by Count Wielho r sky.--The journey of Hieronimo di Santo Stefano..Tr. by R.H. Majo r
Purchased fr om Bernard Quatrich, Ltd., London, Sept. 1949