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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : الإرهاب الدولي: الدوافع والاتجاهات والتوقعات

/ Michael Hough
/ الإرهاب الدولي: الدوافع والاتجاهات والتوقعات
ارض الكتب الإرهاب الدولي: الدوافع والاتجاهات والتوقعات

الإرهاب الدولي: الدوافع والاتجاهات والتوقعات

العنوان:الإرهاب الدولي: الدوافع والاتجاهات والتوقعات
المؤلف:Michael Hough
التصنيف:علم النفس العام-
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

This study describes a nd analyzes the o r igins, drivers a nd future prospects of international terro r ism. The attacks on the Wo r ld Trade Center a nd the Pentagon in the United States of America (USA) on 11 September 2001 have certainly focused mo r e attention on international a nd transnational terro r than any other previous event. The possibility of terro r attacks that are even mo r e extreme a nd the use of weapons of mass destruction by terro r groups have also raised the issue of whether a new fo r m of terro r ism may emerge in future.

The response to international terro r ism has likewise escalated, both in terms of domestic counter-measures, fo r example in the USA, a nd in terms of regional a nd international initiatives. It has even included the overthrow of governments linked to the suppo r t of international terro r ism, such as that of the Taliban in Afghanistan, a nd international terro r ism was one of the US justifications fo r initiating the second Gulf War in 2003.

Although international terro r ism tends to be placed in a catego r y of its own, it cannot be entirely separated fr om domestic terro r ism. Many groups are simultaneously involved in domestic terro r against their own government o r nationals a nd targeting fo r eign countries o r fo r eign nationals. State-sponso r ed international terro r ism has also received increased attention, although state suppo r t is not a necessary pre-condition fo r the survival of an international terro r ist o r ganization.

Prio r to discussing the o r igins of international o r transnational terro r ism it is necessary to describe the concept, its various manifestations a nd the reasons fo r the growth of international terro r ism. The o r igins a nd development of international terro r ism are broadly traced, with specific reference to various phases since the 1960s a nd specific drivers o r motives in each phase. This is followed by an overview of the practical manifestations of international terro r ism fr om the late 1980s to the present.


Michael Hough | ارض الكتب

Michael Hough

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