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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : أصول الفقه الاسلامي ( إنجليزي )

/ محمد فوزي حسن عبد الحي
/ أصول الفقه الاسلامي ( إنجليزي )
ارض الكتب أصول الفقه الاسلامي ( إنجليزي )

أصول الفقه الاسلامي ( إنجليزي )

العنوان:أصول الفقه الاسلامي ( إنجليزي )
المؤلف:محمد فوزي حسن عبد الحي
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة العربية

وصف الكتاب

Dr. Muhammad Fawzi got his Ph.D. degree in Islamic Jurisprudence a nd Methodologies of us}?l al-fiqh fr om al-Azhar University. He is currently a lecturer of Islamic studies at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, a nd at the Higher Institute fo r Islamic a nd Arabic Studies, Alexa ndria. In addition to being a lecturer at Al-Azhar University, he is also a teacher of Islamic studies a nd Friday Speaker in the Ministry of Religious Endowment, a memo r izer of the Glo r ious Quran, a nd a highly talented researcher. He has published tens of articles on social a nd political refo r ms in some remarkable newspapers a nd sites a nd reviewed tens of books a nd articles on Islamic thought a nd jurisprudence. Fo r specialty field, he chose one of the most serious areas of Islamic disciplines to learn, explo r e, a nd represent to new generations of readers a nd learners. After discussing the phenomenon of conflicting proofs in the co r pus of jurisprudence in his MA thesis, he observed that most cases of conflict could be subliminally o r explicitly referred to disciplinary histo r ical developments. Since the histo r y of sciences fo r ms a missing cycle urgently needed in the Islamic Library, he devoted his Ph.D. thesis to write a nd rediscover the sto r y of us}?l al-fiqh s evolution through the traditional seminal sources a nd late wo r ks. In this book, he reveals the secret behind the rise a nd evolution of us}ul al-fiqh Through this book you will get closer to the founders of Islamic legal theo r ies, the early writers a nd makers of Islamic jurisprudence, the traditional a nd functional attitudes in Islamic jurisprudence, ash-Shafi'i's wo r ks a nd impact on theo r ies a nd writings of jurisprudence, the Maqas}idi a nd Ikhbari trends of us}uli writing, as well as the outsta nding writers a nd writings on us}?l through ages. In addition, the book sheds light on the relationship between jurisprudence, theology, a nd judiciary a nd explo r es the wo r lds, methodologies a nd contributions of al-Baqillani, 'Abdul-Jabbar, al-Juwayni, Al-Ghazali, Abu Ya'la, Abu Al-Waf?? ibn 'Aq?l, ibn H}azm, As-Subki, Ash-Shat}ibi, Al-Bazdawi, Al-Mirdawi, As-Siy?t}i, a nd several others. The writer also lends you suppo r t to discover how to spot a mufti a nd judge his method of issuing a fatwa using vivid examples of real fatwa fr om the last decades, which show how the us}?li methodology can affect the legal decision


محمد فوزي حسن عبد الحي | ارض الكتب

محمد فوزي حسن عبد الحي

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