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Pt. 1. Needham, J. G. Station wo r k of the Summer of 1901.--pt. 2. Needham, J. G. Food of brook trout in Bone Pond.--pt. 3. Needham, J. G. Life histo r ies of Odonata subo r der zygoptera.--pt. 4. Needham, J. G. Some new life histo r ies of Diptera.--pt. 5. MacGillivray, A. D. Aquatic Chrysomelidae a nd a table of the families of coleopterous larvae.--pt. 6. Johannsen, O. A. Aquaic nematocerous Diptera.--pt. 7. Davis, K. C. Sialididae of No r th a nd South America