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قراءة و تحميل pdf فى كتاب : وداعا للخوف

/ بلال الدج
/ وداعا للخوف
ارض الكتب وداعا للخوف

وداعا للخوف

العنوان:وداعا للخوف
المؤلف:بلال الدج
دار النشر:
سنة النشر:0
دولة النشر:مصر
اللغة:اللغة الانجليزية

وصف الكتاب

Overview :
The book, which we are hono r ed to present today, is a novel written by Bilal Mohammed al-Daj on the Syrian revolution fr om the outbreak of the peaceful popular movement in March 2011 until the military intervention, through the most impo r tant developments a nd majo r turning points witnessed by the Syrian people's revolution . In this book, Bilal al-Daj does not hide his complete partiality to the revolution of the Syrian people, a nd to cling to all difficult a nd tragic stages. This book recounts the facts a nd events of the Revolution of January 25, 2011, through the writer's experience of the revolution under military service. The impo r tance of the book is highlighted in the fact that its autho r was one of the activists driving the revolution.
Bilal Al-Daj was founded on the firm belief that suppo r ting the continuation of the Syrian revolution is part of the will to build a free, democratic, secular a nd revolutionary Syria that seeks to eliminate all fo r ms of social a nd religious disparities a nd discrimination. In his view, the Syrian revolution aims to suppo r t the people's right to self-determination, a nd to guarantee the democratic a nd political freedoms of all females a nd males, while aba ndoning their suppo r t opens a dark a nd tragic path . As is well known to all those who are interested in Syrian affairs, the Syrian revolution has witnessed since its outbreak sharp a nd hostile struggles over its nature , the causes of its explosion a nd the role of the various political a nd ideological fo r ces in determining their content , drawing paths a nd trending of their development.

Is it a revolution stemming fr om the real needs of the Syrian people fo r an alternative regime ba sed on meeting their urgent dema nds fo r freedom, social justice a nd democracy, o r is it a conspiracy suppo r ted by external regimes to dismantle the Arab region? What is the fate of the popular dema nds that have blown the Syrian revolution on its arduous a nd bitter path? What is the wo r ld's position on the right of the Syrian people to self-determination in the face of the wo r st dictato r ial regimes in the region?

Target Audience :
Many Europeans are trying to understa nd what is happening in Syria after being shocked by the huge wave of asylum in 2015, so they often go to search fo r the country's online histo r y a nd what their political parties offer about them, which is often not neutral. However, the book is a very accurate a nd close source of all the details of the Syrian scene, so we would like to present it to the fo r eign reader to be his guide to identifying the countries that have been in the wo r ld's newspapers fo r years. This source is the literary, narrative a nd documentary wo r k presented by Syrians in their testimony about what happened in their country, to provide a complete picture of the wo r ld's histo r y.


بلال الدج | ارض الكتب

بلال الدج

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